What we offer
Executive functions
Mental skills responsible for a child’s ability to sustain attention, problem solve, and regulate emotions.
Self regulation
The ability to control and adjust emotions, behaviours, energy levels and attention in socially accepted ways.
Feeding therapy/feeding group
Picky eaters, food aversions and swallowing issues.
Toilet training
Training a child to use the toilet for bowel and bladder use.
Gross motor skills
Large movement patterns involving the whole body such as walking, running, hopping and jumping .
Motor planning & praxis
Planning and sequencing new muscle actions through a process of ideation, motor planning and execution.
Preschool & school screenings
Assessing child’s skills through observation and formal testing.
Fine motor skills
Involve use of the small muscles in the hands. These include skills such as grasping objects, writing, cutting with scissors, shoe-tying and fastening buttons.
Occular motor & visual perception
The ability to translate a visual image into an accurate motor action or hand-eye coordination.
Social skills
Verbal and nonverbal communication skills. Cooperation and turn taking. Being kind, patient, and respectful of others. Empathy and building positive relationships.
Sensory integration
This helps a child to understand their reactions to different senses over a period and cope better in a process called desensitization.
Handwriting skills
Help little hands build strength and develop for precise movement needed for hand writing.
Parents education and coaching
A collaborative and problem solving approach where parents are guided to identifying and implementing effective solutions for their families..
Suite1212B, 31 Lasso Road, Gregory Hills, NSW, 2557
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